<aside> 💡 This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for creating campaigns that perform. You need to be testing angles, scripts, CTA’s etc. Here’s a quick rundown on how we do it. Mind that this is for the opening email. If you want to test followups as well – add more rows to the Google Doc below.


Launch a Control Script

After writing your first few scripts, pick the best one and launch it to 500-2000 leads depending on the total TAM.

Anything below 500 leads involves too much chance and is variance is too high.

Create a Google Sheet per offer with following sections:


## Automatic meeting book rate formula
=(meetings booked / leads) * 100

# Format to percentage

Fill out how you’re approaching the campaign, what Angle, CTA you’re using and so on.

After the campaign is finished, fill in the performance. If you launch 2 campaigns from the start – do the same for both and explain what you’re testing under the “Testing” row.


Now when you look at the data – this (hypothetical) campaigned performed pretty well. But we’re still going to iterate and test against the control.

Main concept: always test only 1 part of your campaign.

If you test more than 1, you won’t know what caused the increase or decrease in campaign performance.

I’ll include a short list of things to test based on data down below.

Choosing Control

Obviously you want to pick your control campaign to be the one that brings the most meetings in.

Even if the open rates are lower, don’t forget what the end goal of the campapign is.